First of all Hello. How have you all been? It’s been a good few months since I’ve picked up my writing brain and written a blog post to be honest I’ve had bad writers block so I thought I’d fill you all in on what’s been happening.

That’s right I’m still on maternity leave. I have 3 months left and I can’t quite believe how bloody quick it has gone! 5 whole months of loving my baby girl who still sleeps like an absolute queen may I add!!

So maternity leave, what’s that been like? Slightly different to last time because my mum has a new job so she’s not around as much as before which makes me really sad but it is what it is. Rex is now at school which is a story for another day. Umm yeah my days basically consist of doing the school run, going back to bed for a nap with River for 2 hours. Waking up having lunch and a quick tidy around the house, watch some tv then it’s time to go pick Rex up again. And that is pretty much my day every single bloody day and let me tell you it’s really wearing thin now. Don’t get me wrong i love being off work and I love being a mum but you know when you get into a really bad routine and it’s really hard to get out of it that’s kinda where I’m at right now. Every now and again I do get out for lunch with friends or stop off for breakfast on my way home from the school run which is lovely but being at home all day can get quite lonely the trouble is I don’t want to do anything or go anywhere and when I do I worry about it for days on end before I go and as you guessed I have a great time when I actually make it out! But I’ve gained so much weight and look hideous it’s really really playing on my mind 24/7 but do you think I can stop binge eating all the bad things? Can I fuck. I guess once I’ve figured out my head that’s another post upcoming.

I’d really hoped to get my driving licence done before I go back to work, but my licence is taking for ever in a day to come back and I’m never going to get my intensive course done now before it’s time to go back which is really fucking annoying and gets me quite down as I really wanted it done. But hey ho. My extra worry now is finding child care for River for when I return to work!! Every nursery I have tried is fully booked! Some for over a year. Like wtf!! I’m currently on 2 waiting lists both of which don’t have spaces till next September so lord only knows what I’m going to do.

I’m desperate to start running again, I get so much pleasure out of running and it helps me lose those unwanted pounds, but for some stupid bloody reason I’m putting it off and off and off and I don’t know why!! So that’s my current situation with my mind and body.

In other news I’m really enjoying some time just me and River whilst Rex is at school, she’s been practising her rolling over and we are currently on practising to sit up which I’m hoping she can master by Christmas!!

So there’s not really much else to say. I just wanted to say hey, sorry about the doom and gloom I’ve been writing things down as I go along ready for when I wanted to start posting again so there’s a few draft posts in the works. So until then



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